Dental Team Vuković Aesthetic dentistry Our services
Endodontics and root canal treatment
Toothache can surprise us, and if we don’t react in time, the result can be the loss of a tooth. When cavity destroys enamel and dentin and bacteria penetrate to the dental pulp, inflammation (pulpitis) and/or pulp necrosis occurs. Dental pulp is the soft tissue inside the tooth composed of nerve fibres and blood vessels.
The most common symptoms are pain during chewing, sensitivity to cold/hot, bleeding around the teeth, swelling…
Endodontics is a branch of dental medicine that deals with the treatment of pathological processes in the dental pulp and the effects of these processes on the surrounding tissues.
In order to preserve the tooth, it is necessary to remove inflamed or dead tissue from the root canals with special instruments, disinfect them and fill them with biologically acceptable material. In our office, we use a mechanical root canal processing technique that ensures a more precise, comfortable and faster procedure. We also collaborate with a specialist in endodontics and restorative dental medicine in order to successfully solve the most demanding procedures.